A vehicle uses both fuel and oil during transportation, and the amount of fuel and oil that the car consumes depends on the vehicle’s type and how the driver drives the car. The oil change takes place for all kinds of vehicles, and this article will answer When is the first oil change for a new car.

The oils go into the combustion chamber, and they will also burn with the fuel. Hence you must go for an oil change when required. 

What Are The Types Of Car Oil?

There are four different types of car oils,

  • Fully synthetic car oil provides high lubrication levels and increases fuel efficiency; this also prevents harmful sludge.
  • Synthetic blend motor oil is also similar to fully synthetic oil, but the price is low. The driver who cannot afford fully synthetic car oil can go for this option.
  • Conventional motor oil- this oil will be the best suit for cars with low average mileage.
  • High mileage motor oil is for cars that run for more than 75000 miles.

How Can You Choose the Correct Type of Oil for the Car?

The automaker will recommend the best oil for your car, considering three factors. The age of the vehicle, if it is a brand-new car, you must use the best quality oil to match the car’s performance.

The engine type also determines what oil you must use for the vehicle. If the engine types poorly, you go for conventional oil, but you must go for high-quality oil if the engine performs well.

If you drive in an environment with colossal traffic, you must use good oil to avoid wear and tear. Hence the driving environment will also determine what oil you must use.

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When Is The First Oil Change For A New Car?

So, when you purchase a brand-new car, the company will provide you with a manufacturer-specific manual that will help you educate yourself about handling the vehicle and its features.

When is the first oil change for a new car? Most researchers say that it is best to do the first oil change for your new vehicle at 1500 miles. If the manufacturer has provided a different time for the first oil change, go according to it. Some article says the estimated time for an oil change is 3000.

According to the vehicle you have purchased, the driver manual will have a specific answer for when is the first oil change for a new car. The oil change differs according to the vehicle as the modern car has an improved engine so that you can go for the first oil change at 75000 miles or sometimes even at 10000miles. The mechanics recommend doing the first oil change bit earlier than the instruction manual.

What Are the Benefits of Oil Change?

  • It prevents the car engine from rusting. The car engine quickly disintegrates due to the natural element; it is best to have a periodic oil change to prevent the engine from corrosion.
  • Oil change also prevents wear and tear as the parts of the engine rub against each other, resulting in friction. Due to the friction, there can be wear and tear.
  • When you change the oil, this cools the components of the engine. When the oil is clean and sufficient, this prevents the element of the engine from overheating.
  • Small dirt particles and dust may enter the engine when you perform an oil change. It helps to maintain a clean engine free from debris.

Apart from the above advantages, there are more benefits due to performing an oil change. Oil change extends the engine lifespan and improves the millage, and it will reduce the coat of repair as the engine is well maintained and the damages caused to the engine are minor.

If the engine gets damaged, replacing it will cost more; hence regular maintenance and a periodic oil change will increase the machine’s lifespan. The car’s resale value will be high as the oil changes show how well the car maintenance was. A proper oil change will make your vehicle pass the emission test. Hence it is essential to know when you must do an oil change.

What Are the Disadvantages of Oil Change?

  • The oil change is a continuous process; when you go for a mechanic, they will paste a sticker on the windscreen and mention the next date for the oil change. When you do it by yourself, you must keep track of when to change the oil and do then accordingly. Keeping track of the oil change times might be challenging.
  • If you make any mistake during the oil change, fixing the error will cost more than it costs for an oil change. Hence, if you cannot do the oil change, you get a mechanic’s help.

What Happens If You Don’t Change Oil Of Your Car?

If you don’t change, the oil engine will not perform well as the engine’s dirt fills up. In the worst-case engine will not work, and improper/ no oil change will affect the parts of the machine.

They will face wear and tear, so the engine’s life span will gradually reduce. Oil change makes the engine cool if there is no oil change, the machine will heat up quickly, causing burndown. Severe engine damage due to improper maintenance and neglecting to change the oil will cause engine failure. You might know how costly it is if you go for an engine change.

To avoid all these consequences, you must have proper maintenance; change the oil when change oil is necessary. Please keep track of the oil change routine or do it with the help of a mechanic. Vehicles are costly so are the engines; hence it is essential to take good care of your vehicle.

This article on when the first oil change for a new car will help you learn about the oil change, when why an oil change is necessary, and many more. We hope this was informative!


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